Valiant service

old murumatsu
After decades of service…..

Back in an age long, long ago I was put in touch with clarinettist Steve Trier, whose daughter was selling this flute. I made the trip from Cambridge down to London and was welcomed into his beautiful home, tried the flute, loved it, and sealed the deal. It’s been with me ever since.

Despite a £450 rebuild a few years back, it just wasn’t up to scratch. Then, when a [new] spring snapped and the flute died, there was a sharp reminder that not only was a better flute required, but a worthy second flute was needed too. You can’t go on tour without a backup.

Sad to see the old work tool go into retirement. At the last count it was worth about £10,000 to replace, but actually worth next to nothing for resale. It has done many miles, many concerts, gigs, recordings and teaching sessions. Time for a rest.

Muramatsu Flute